Tag Archives: takhrij
Rainwater Hadith Forgery
Kindly advise on the authenticity of article regarding rainwater shifaa. Continue reading
Hadith on Prophetic Succession
Inshallah everything is well. Had the honor of taking a class with you online through Seekers Guidance on Ibn Hajar’s Nukhbat al-Fikr a while back. Just have one question in regard to a Hadith and would be delighted to have it clarified. Continue reading
Jarrh wa Tadil on Hadith of Nur
I have come across this wasihah(Will) of Hadrath Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RadiALLAHu anhu: “Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RadiALLAHu anhu expressed his will that my janaza… Continue reading
A Reliable Hadith?
I pray and hope your fine. I have a question about the following hadith:And ‘Aa`ishah said: “Among all of Allah’s servants, his neck was the the most handsome…
About this hadith of Nur Muhammad (s)
I marveled at this hadith that appears early on about Allah has ordered the pen to write for the kalimah 70,000 years,… Continue reading
‘Faith of old women’
It is said that the Prophet commended the faith of old women (iman/din al-aja’eez)… Continue reading
Ghazwatul Hind
Q: There are many ahadith about Ghazwatul Hind. Some people are talking that in 2013 a war will take place between pakistan and india… Continue reading