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Tag Archives: wipe socks
my question is about ablution, and particulary about dry the socks. until today, i always dry my cotton socks, and today a brother said me that it’s no correct, only with leather socks. is that comment correct? Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged ablution, jawarib, jawrabayn, khuffs, madhhab, mash, socks, wipe socks, wudu
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Leather socks (Khuffs)
Q: Alhamdulillah, i bought new khuffs. Now what I need to know is how do we wipe over it? I am planning to put these before I leave to office in the morning. [fr]Q: Alhamdulillah, i bought new khuffs. Now what I need to know is how do we wipe over it? I am planning to put these before I leave to office in the morning. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged ablution, khuffs, mash, socks, wipe socks, wiping, wudu
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Praying behind Imam Wiping over Socks
Q: I have previously been advised that, while it is not our business to find the faults of others if we know that an Imam has wiped over his socks, or that it is his practise, it renders the salah behind him – according to this position – invalid. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged Hanbali, jawrabayn, khuffs, madhhab, mash, prayer, salat, wipe socks
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