Advice for permission for hijrah


Assalamu’allaikum Ya Sayyidi Ya Maulana,

May Allah Azawajalla keep you in health, keep increase your maqam with Maulana Syeikh.
I need your advice and permission to move to work to another company, I have been working at Franch company now and I have an offer from German company. Kindly, would you please to let me know which one better for my duniya and akhirat then.
Thank you in advance for the most guide, love and assistant to keep me and my family on these way for this so far.

Wassalamu’allaikum warrahmatullah…


Wa `alaykum salam,

Since Allah(swt) gave you work in one company, so don’t leave unless the other pays a better salary. Whatever work  you have make the intention to spend in the way of Allah(swt) by helping the poor & homeless, and by spreading and educating people about Islam.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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