Building Love



I want to inquire if there is a dua or surat which will help someone in our life fall in love with us or start loving us more. My fiancé was very happy for our marriage until recently I have noticed a big change in him and the way he respects and loves me. I don’t want to go forward in a relationship with him until he falls in love with me and likes me for who I am. I want him to respect me.

Kindly if you can tell me of a surah or dua which will help my fiancé build love towards me please tell me. If possible tell me the steps and procedure I should follow to perform and what I should I do to be careful that it does not have any side effects.

Thank you.


wa `alaykum salam,

You may follow Shaykh Gibril’s advice here in-sha-Allah.

See also here on how to “activate” your recitations.


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