I’m a girl and have been friends with another girl for a few years now. While I have no feelings whatsoever for her, she has feelings for me. She admitted them to me and tries to get affectionate with me. I’m thankful to have her as a friend as she looks out for me, but her feelings towards me makes me VERY uncomfortable.
She has had sexual dreams of us a few times and texts me these dreams, to which I do not reply.
I have spoken to her about this before and have ignored her many times as I feel VERY uncomfortable and burdened. If she stops making moves on me, I’d have no problems being her friend.
As a Muslimah,
-am I doing wrong by ignoring a fellow sister?
-how do I rectify this problem?
Thank you so much.
May Allah bless all of you at eshaykh!
wa `alaykum salam,
Keep ignoring her, and stay away from her. Pray two raka`ats and ask Allah to protect you, and stay away from her.
Hajjah Naziha