Prayer Request: Disabled children

Prayer Request:

As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatahu,
Sayyidi, I am in need of your dua and advice. My daughter (13 years old) is disabled, cannot communicate and is in a wheelchair. She cannot do anything for herself. The doctors are trying to diagnose her brain through EEG tests etc. Recently, she has been having seizures during the day and in her sleep too which is causing serious concern. After her, I have a son (11 years old) who is physically alright but is autististic. He struggles to communicate clearly as he has a speech problem and can display very poor behaviour at home and when amongst people. Sayyidi, I am in need of your dua. Please advise me to what I need to do. May Allah bless you Sayyidi, and may He raise your ranks higher and higher every moment of the day. May your Light shine in our hearts forever. Aameen.


wa `alaykum salam,

We make du`a for you and your son. Give sadaqa on behalf of both and recite la hawla wa la quwatta illah billahi-aliyyil`azheem 100 times daily and be patient.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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