Can you tell us more about the dajjal what is he going to do? Someone told me that about Dajjal yuhyee wa yumit is it true ?
Excerpt from the book, Approach of Armageddon, by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani:
Prophet Muhammad (s) predicted the coming of the anti-Christ as one of the final signs before the coming of the Day of Judgment.
حدثنا علي بن محمد حدثنا عبد الرحمن المحاربي عن إسمعيل بن رافع أبي رافع عن أبي زرعة السيباني يحيى بن أبي عمرو عن عمرو بن عبد الله عن أبي أمامة الباهلي قال
خطبنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فكان أكثر خطبته حديثا حدثناه عن الدجال وحذرناه فكان من قوله أن قال إنه لم تكن فتنة في الأرض منذ ذرأ الله ذرية آدم أعظم من فتنة الدجال وإن الله لم يبعث نبيا إلا حذر أمته الدجال وأنا آخر الأنبياء وأنتم آخر الأمم……(روى في سنن إبْن ماجة في كتاب الفتن)
The Prophet (s) said:
O people! There has been no tribulation on the earth since the time of Adam (as) greater than the tribulation of the anti-Christ (Dajjāl). Verily, every prophet sent by Allāh warned his community about the Dajjāl. I am the Last Prophet and you are the Last Ummah…[1]
Prophet Muhammad (s) is the prophet for all people, both Muslims and non-Muslims. The Prophet r directed this hadith to all of humanity saying, “O human beings!” (nās) not “O Muslims!” or “O believers!” The appearance of Masīh ad-Dajjāl (Dajjāl, False Messiah or Anti-Christ) is a truly fearsome event for all people on earth, and it will happen in the Last Days. He will move about the earth “spreading corruption right and left”[2] and terrorize the believers, changing them from faith to unbelief. Even the Companions of the Prophet (s) were fearful about the coming of the Dajjāl fourteen hundred years ago.
The Dajjāl will appear between Shām and Iraq, and some other hadiths say he will emerge from Khorasan, Iran and will move quickly and cover the whole earth:
حدثنا يحيى بن بكير: حدثنا الليث، عن عقيل، عن ابن شهاب قال: أخبرني عبيد الله بن عبد الله بن عتبة: أن أبا سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه قال:
حدثنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حديثا طويلا عن الدجال، فكان فيما حدثنا به أن قال: (يأتي الدجال، وهو محرم عليه أن يدخل نقاب المدينة، ينزل بعض السباخ التي بالمدينة، فيخرج إليه يومئذ رجل هو خير الناس، أو من خير الناس، فيقول: أشهد أنك الدجال، الذي حدثنا عنك رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حديثه، فيقول الدجال: أرأيت إن قتلت هذا ثم أحييته هل تشكون في الأمر؟. فيقولون: لا، فيقتله ثم يحييه، فيقول حين يحييه: والله ما كنت قط أشد بصيرة مني اليوم، فيقول الدجال: أقتله فلا أسلط عليه
(رَواهُ البُخارِي و مسلم في كِتابِ الفِتَنِ)
The Prophet (s) said:
The Dajjāl will come wearing the clothes of a pilgrim (ihrām) to the gate of Madīna. One of its best people will come forth and say, “I bear witness that you are the Dajjāl who was mentioned by the Prophet (s).” The Dajjāl will say to his followers, “If I kill him and bring him back to life will you believe in me?” They say, “Yes.” The Dajjāl kills him then brings him back to life. When the man is alive again he says, “(I swear) by Allāh, I am positive that you are the Dajjāl!” The Dajjāl will then kill him….[1]
The Prophet (s) said that the Dajjāl will have the power to show the image of one’s dead ancestors on his hand, like a television screen. The relative will say, “Oh my son! This man is correct. I am in Paradise because I was good and I believed in him.” In reality that relative is in Hell. If the relative says, “Believe in this man, I am in Hell because I didn’t believe,” one must say to the Dajjāl, “No, he is in Paradise. This is false.”
The coming of the Anti-Christ must occur in the Last Days. This dreadful event is approaching, and in that time only three cities will be safe: Makka, Madīna, and Shām (Damascus). If anyone wants safety in that time he will have to run to one of these three cities.
The Prophet (s) also recommended that certain verses of the Qur’ān be recited for protection from the Dajjāl.
حدثنا حفص بن عمر حدثنا همام حدثنا قتادة عن سالم بن أبي الجعد عن معدان بن أبي طلحة عن حديث أبي الدرداء يرويه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال من حفظ عشر آيات من أول سورة الكهف عصم من فتنة الدجال
قال أبو داود وكذا قال هشام الدستوائي عن قتادة إلا أنه قال من حفظ من خواتيم سورة الكهف و قال شعبة عن قتادة من آخر الكهف
Abū Darda (r) related that the Prophet (s) said:
Whoever memorizes the first ten verses[4] of Sūrat al-Kahf (and in another version, the last ten verses[5]) is protected from the tribulation of the Dajjāl.
[1] (sahīh). Ibn Mājah #4128 “Kitāb al-Fitan.” Hākim, Mustadrak (4:436 and 437). Suyūtī, Jami‘ al-saghīr #4752. Albānī, Silsila sahīha #2457:
[2] Ibid. (sahīh). Ibn Mājah #4128 “Kitāb al-Fitan.” Hākim, Mustadrak (4:436 and 437). Suyūtī, Jami‘ al-saghīr #4752. Albānī, Silsila sahīha #2457.
[3] Sahīh Bukhārī (8:103) and Sahīh Muslim #2938.
[4] This was related in Sahīh Muslim, “Kitāb al-Salāt,” “Chapter on the Excellence of Sūrat al-Kahf and Ayat al-Kursī,” and by Āhmad, Abū Dāwūd, Tirmidhī, Nasā’ī, Ibn Hibbān, Hākim, and Bayhaqī.
[5] Sunan Abū Dawūd, “Chapter on the Appearance of the Anti-Christ”, Sahīh Muslim, “Kitāb al-Salāt,” “Chapter on the Excellence of Sūrat al-Kahf and Ayat al-Kursī,” and by Āhmad and Nasā’ī.