Author Archives: Ustadh Abdul Shakur Hadi
Mentioning the Prophet (s) in the Salat
Allah in the Quran clearly states as does Mohammad (s), that you should not mention anyone or thing while doing the Salat prayer, yet, Mohammad is mentioned. Continue reading
Mother of a disabled child and fasting in Ramadan
I’ve a 2 year-old disabled child. I take care of her & drive her to therapy everyday. Plus I started a new oxygen treatment for her which I’ve to be part of. This treatment raises my metabolism. During the month of Ramadan… Continue reading
Fasting while sick
Please advise as we have numerous different opinions on this matter. If somebody has been sick and it is obvious by looking at them that they are struggling with their fast… Continue reading
I read a book about punishment for women in hell. Those that lie, cheat, wear unsuitable clothes, disobey husband and so on… Continue reading
Achieving confidence and removing envy
My question pertains to my current state; though I love my friends whenever I see or hear about their achievements it makes me sad because it reminds me of my shortcomings… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Break up relationship
My sister has been seeing this Hindu boy for now more than 1-year and things don’t seem to be getting to an end despite having tried quite a few things an imam from another tariqa asked me to do… Continue reading
Looking at non-Muslim women
I was wondering if any of the scholars regarded looking at a non-Muslim women’s body as permissible (without lustful intentions)… Continue reading
Guidance needed
Question: I have a chance to do silat but the person organizing it for me is very sly and I cannot trust that person but I really want to do silat what should I do? Answer: A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan … Continue reading
Prayer Request: Pray for my parents
My father is a very nice person but since last few years he drinks alcohol. And when he is drunk his behaviour towards my mother is humiliating and he abuses her… Continue reading
Is this correct?
Question: Assalamualaykoum warahmatullah wa barakatu, Please forgive me if I am incorrect but I believe it is wrong to utter prayers in Arabic only. The reason I believe this is because to me it is limiting. This is like saying … Continue reading