Author Archives: Ustadh Abdul Shakur Hadi
Zakat to cancer patient
I want to know what Islam says about to whom zakat should be delivered… Continue reading
Taweez (continued)
My apologies for continuing the question but please advise the permissibility of… Continue reading
Rules for Feet
belong to shafi madhab please could you provide me the ruling regarding wearing socks while praying for ladies… Continue reading
Surat Ya Sin and money
I have one question for you Question: When people ask me that one of his family or Friend who have died or recite… Continue reading
Various Questions
1. Is someone exempt from removing hair in certain areas if there is dry skin/excema there, so much so, that it burns to apply hair removal cream? If not, what alternatives are there for hair removal and what should one do about the excema? Continue reading
sir, i hv left mastrbation…but at night i feel ehtalaam…and when i go fr gusal… Continue reading
crystal stones
Please can you answer is it haram to wear gem stones/crystals (for example, ruby, graphite, froza, etc ) for protection of evil and to remove any negative energies Continue reading
i want to ask about the dress code regarding for men.Now a days it is not always possible to wear the pants above ankles,so is it permissable to wear pants above ankles?? Continue reading
Salaam Please help
I Really Have deep Feelings for this girl i want to marry please do dua it works out soon. And also would love to meet Shaikh Nazim Can you do dua please. thanks May Almighty ALLAH give you all a long life.
Non-muslims under Islamic Law
Do non-muslims, say a atheist, living under a country with full Islamic laws have to necessarily abide by Islamic laws for adultery, alcohol, riba, clothing, etc ? Continue reading