Author Archives: Staff eShaykh
Shaking hands with women
Why does Shaykh Nazim and other Nakshbandi Shaykh from our Tariqah shake hands with women when it’s forbidden Continue reading
I don’t know about this subject to well but it’s really important Continue reading
Need info regarding awrad, dhikr and prayers
sir I need all levels of awrad, dhikr and prayers I have lost all info regarding it Continue reading
teeth falling
I had a dream last night that my one of my bottom back tooth was loose and it fell out. Continue reading
Number of Sayyidina Adams عليه السلام
I read on different Sufi sources online that there are several Adam عليه السلام. Continue reading
Awrad timings
do i need to do all the awrads in one sitting or can they be done through out the day? Continue reading
Salawat on Holy Prophet (s)
What salawat should I recite to see the Holy prophet Muhammad – SolliAllahu Alaihin salam in my dream? Continue reading
black magic
can you ask Shaykh Hisam Kabbani due for me black magic go way? Continue reading
toothpaste and ramazan
in ramazan using toothpaste is good or no Continue reading