Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
fast for child seeking
i have kept mannat for child by fasting in the name of 16 Continue reading
Kosher food halal & Zabiha mechanical slaughter
My first question is that whether the food, including meat, which does not have pork or by pork products that prepared according to strict Kosher laws is halal or not? Continue reading
My son will not listen to me
My 18 year old son does not listen to me Continue reading
Soulmates in Islam and Destiny
Do we believe in soul-mates: a man and woman created to marry exclusively which is predetermined? Continue reading
correcting document, allow or forbidden ?
my friend work as car salesman, sometimes he ask my help to edit his client documents for lease purpose. Continue reading
Lying about RasoolAllah S.A.W Tabarruqaats ?
What if a person who has Tabarruqaats of Ambiyas, RasoolAllah S.A.W, Ahle Baith & Auliya Allahs and he is spreading lies Continue reading
Est ce qu’on peut dire que tous les swahaba seront au paradis
Est ce qu’on peut dire que tous les swahaba seront au paradis à 100% Continue reading
virtual reality Ruling
I wanted to ask in regards to the field of Virtual Reality and in particular 3D Character Animation Continue reading
Prophet Musa mentioned most in Quran
in the Quran why did Allah honor his [Musa’s] name the most? Continue reading
Marriage Requirements
My girlfriend has just took Shahadah and we want to be married as soon as possible Continue reading