Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
As a woman, I don’t know what to do to find a husband. Every time I try to do something to find someone, it fails. Continue reading
It is not clear what the situation is so I can only answer in general terms that the leader of the zawiyah can only interfere if there is inappropriate behavior or danger… Continue reading
ayahuasca and similar entheogens
We all know that intoxicants are not allowed, Continue reading
Naad-e-Ali dua for hajat
since Ali is one of the names of Allah SWT (it’s the 36th name means the Highest), was our Prophet calling upon Allah in the dua and not Ali (RA)? Continue reading
Authenticity on 12th Rabi ul Awwal as the birth date of the prophet Muhammad (s)
What would it take to make one reconsider the idea that celebrating on 12th of Rabbi ul awwal may not be correct? Continue reading
I’m writing something in aubergine (EGG PLANT) for a magazine, I remember someone saying that Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani said it is a food of Paradise. Continue reading
dua for children
My 2 grown sons (42nd generation of Rasulallah(S) are fighting & are not talking to each other & in bad mood. Continue reading
I am a Biggest Sinner of the earth
My brother passed away 2 days back because of strong Stomach cancer. Please pass on my apologies to him in the name of ALLAH (SWT) Continue reading
Prophet giving last sermon in dream
I once had a dream that our Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is stood in the middle of a huge crowd giving the last sermon. Continue reading