Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Dream: salat al-istikhara
someone came and asked for my hand and i preformed salatil istikhara. i dram that same night that we were sitting together with his sister and my father. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Lung cancer
my father is affected by lung cancer. I ask Sheikh Hisham to pray for his recovery. Thanks Continue reading
Prayer Request: Migration
Please help me decide which country is best for my family to live and prosper in. Is it Australia, Canada or England? Continue reading
Prayer Request: son can’t sleep
My six year old son takes ages to get to sleep at night. Is there something he can recite to help him sleep? Or anything else he can do? Continue reading
Asma Al Husna Jalali and Jamali
I read recently that the 99 names of Allah are divided to 2 groups – the names of the attributes of majesty of Allah – Asma Jalali, and of beauty of Allah – Asma Jamali Continue reading
I am told that if I believe in Naqshbandi order, I should not raise my index finger during Tashahhud; because the Prophet (s) raised it only to stop a falling rock. Is this correct?
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Prayer Request: In Need of Spiritual Help and Duas
I posted a question regarding mother,but I didn’t got any reply, I know its critical,but its the worst situation I am going through. Continue reading
Changing the Name
I’d posted this request earlier also but didnt get a response from your side. A cousin of mine has not been keeping up well for quite some time now. Every now and then something is wrong with her health and it is getting serious with every passing day. Continue reading