Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Advice for purification after defecating abroad?
purification after defecating abroad? Continue reading
Dream of This morning 06/08/2022
In the dream I’m walking through the streets wearing a green imamah on a red Taj, Continue reading
Does the Quran promote a geocentric view?
Does the Quran promote a geocentric view? Continue reading
authenticity of hadith of istighatha
Is the above mentioned hadith sahih which is a proof for Istighata Continue reading
Origin of Mawlid celebrations
I have often read in academic literature or heard claims from wahabis that state Maulid celebrations started with Shias seven centuries ago Continue reading
Sex with fiancee
Even if sex isn’t allowed then is kissing and holding hands allowed with whom I plan to get married? Continue reading
Punaises de lit
Nous sommes infesté de punaises de lit qui sont difficiles à éradiquer. Continue reading
Zina and witness
If the husband caught his wife red-handed of doing zina with a man, is it must to have 4 witness to proof it? Continue reading
Very urgent dua request please
I have found a lump and few other bumps on my scalp Continue reading