Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Behaviour and duties of a wife
from where I can learn all the duties, responsibilities and behaviours of a wife in Islam please? Continue reading
Consumate marriage
I read… that a couple should not consummate the marriage on the day of nikah. Continue reading
Marrying a deobandi as a women
I have brought a good potential spouse to my parents. Continue reading
Mihrabs with YA MUHAMMAD written on them
The “Salafis” claim that YA MUHAMMAD is shirk khafiy (hidden polytheism). What is your opinion? Continue reading
Bébé qui a 6 doigts
J’aimerais savoir quand un bébé née avec 6 doigts esque on doit faire une opération pour enlever le 6eme dois ou le garder. Continue reading
Please help me and assist me further so that I can overcome my medical condition and have children Continue reading
attacked by occultist magicians
i have been effected by jinn possession via black magic Continue reading
اسمك في اللوح قطب الارشاد
رايت في المنام رجل يقول ان اسمك في اللوح قطب الارشاد Continue reading
Dream of the Prophet (s) beardless
today in the morning I dreamt Prophet (sal). Continue reading
Those who mock Shaykh Nazim’s statement on al-Husayn (ra)
I have a question the Wahabis in Malaysia are mocking the late Shaykh Continue reading