Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

family issue

my problem is in my house withing family members arguments with each other, for small maters ,pls pray for our family and give me a suitable s Continue reading

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Prayer Request: du’a

Please guide me mawlanana and please pray for me so that I may be included as one of Imam Mahdi’s followers and saved from Dajjal. What du’a that must be i read? May ALLAH bless you here and hereafter… Amiin..
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Dream: Naqsbandi Mozaddedia Torika

I followed a shaykh in Naqsbandi Mozaddedia Torika in Bangladesh… Continue reading

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Dream: Uncle and inspiration to go to Hajj

1) I saw my uncle in my dream and they said to me you will be the only one from our family to go to Arrafat… Continue reading

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Good book on women figures in Islam
Un bon livre sur les personnalités féminines en Islam

Q: Could you mauby recommend a good book on women, such as “Women in Islam” or so. Would be very kind of you,[fr]Pourriez-vous recommander un bon livre sur les femmes, par exemple “Les femmes en Islam” …[/fr] Continue reading

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Un bon livre sur les personnalités féminines en Islam


For the last few years I have had continuous dreams that someone or people are trying to rape me. Continue reading

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Custody of my two children

I’m in the process of divorce and awaiting a court decision… Continue reading

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Dream: Death of my mother

My brothers have repeatedly dreamt of death of my mom.. the dream keeps coming back… Continue reading

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Dream: About a girl that I use to know

There was a girl that used to study with me. Even though we stopped talking to one another, I had a dream about this girl when I done istikhara if she was the one for me… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Ya Shaykh pray for my father

Ya sultan al awliya. Madad ya Shaykh. Pray my father stops his bad habits and addictions and becomes religious… Continue reading

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