Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Fathers infidelity problem
My father has a infidelity addiction and I have known for years Continue reading
tests from sheikhs
We believe that Sheikhs can engineer tests for their followers. Continue reading
Ex-husband does not want to pay nafkah & mutaah anymore after 7 yrs of divorce.
I have no other means of income & my ex-husband has now refused to pay nafkah & mutaah as ordered by Syariah Court. I seek yr kind advise pls.
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There’s someone I wish to know with the intention of marriage Continue reading
Misbehaved husband
I found out that my husband is involved in prohibited activities Continue reading
Prophet (saws), woman and Abu Lahab?
Woman took special shahada with Prophet. Continue reading
my husband left home due to an argument but his family are not reconciling Continue reading
Meaning of mutashaabihaat
Is there a relied upon or jumhoor opinion regarding the meaning of mutashaabihaat as it applies to the verses and hadiths relating to Allah’s attributes? Continue reading
Spiritual Rank and love of Allah
Does the deeds(good or bad) of family(parents and siblings) affect the love of Allah for a person. Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Hisham qs and Shaykh Gibril came to me
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham gave me some of his holy beard, and after that Shaykh Gibril said something to me Continue reading