Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Help! Mist and Colors
I have a question regarding seeing mist or white coloured smoke,all the time moving here and there. Sometimes it is flowing over ceilings and walls of the room and sometimes it moves near by me moving left to right,right to left… Continue reading
Not getting spiritual benefit
In 1996 I took bay’ah with Shaykh Nazim. Due to how I was treated by senior mureeds in a negative way, I was discouraged… Continue reading
Prayer Request: for black magic
my home is placed by magic/black magic many mauwlanas have told us and confirmed us this will not happen again by their treatments or practices but no positive results… we have many worries in our home by many years. Continue reading
Hadith of Rasulullah s.a.w
Can you teach us about the hadith where Rasulullah s.a.w met with Iblis and answered his questions? Continue reading
Black Magic
May Allah’s mercy and love be with you always, I wanna thank you and everyone here Continue reading
Prayer Request: remove black magic
many years ago I ate witchcraft done with henna. Is there a recipe to evacuate it? Please pray for its removal. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Affected by Jinn
I am affected by Jinn, can you please give a protection from them? Continue reading
Yoga physical exercises
I would like know if there is any prohibition in Islam against doing physical yoga execrises (the breathing exercises) without the expression of any chants and in a gender segregated classroom purely with the intention of ‘keeping fit’. Continue reading
Dajjal on the Judgement day
Is there any indication in the text sources that dajjal may be other than human, despite its “human” appearance – is it merely a mask or puppet for Iblis? Continue reading