Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Dream: Two peoples dream in the same nite

I had a dream I was sleeping inside a house then I saw Sheikh Hisham talking about they lift 5 tons & not everyone can do that so they do for us so we don’t hurt ourselves. Then I heard a voice say fiancé or husband mentioning also Sheikh Gibril Haddad secret is that he has the moonlight inside him. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Tenure Track position

I believe that the daily awrad takes care of our spiritual and worldly concerns. Yet I am here to request some payers or dhikr for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor at an university where I can grow spiritually and write articles and books about the spiritual journey on the sufi path. Continue reading

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Abu Dhabi or Lefke

I would like to please request an istikhara from Mawlana Sheikh Hisham whether it is better for me and my brother, to go to see our family in Abu Dhabi in april or to go to visit Mawlana Sheikh Nazim ? Continue reading

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permission to travel

With all due respect i need ur permission to go to Pakistan to see my mother ,its almost a year that i saw her,now she is missing me.and i have a sister in Bahran s he is requesting me take a stopover for a weak in the way. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Isthikara for Rishta

Should they be married as per the result of isthikara. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: To get married

I am a 30 yr old woman and unmarried. Can you please tell me a strong Dua which help me get married soon to the one my heart desires… Continue reading

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Wear scarf or not

I became Muslim two years ago, happily wore scarf, and proud of this… Continue reading

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House Possessed By Evil Spirits

My family is facing a lot of issues regarding our house being possessed by evil spirits and my sister not getting good marriage proposals… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Auntie’s Mental Health

My Aunty is currently suffering from a mental health problem and we would be grateful for you prayers to grant her good health… Continue reading

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Marriage with little income

I am writing to ask: if a man works part-time in a skill he has had for 7 years and still studying at University to finish his major but really knows how important marriage is for his soul and deen… Continue reading

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