Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Female Slaves in Islam

I would like to know what Islam says about slavery and are men allowed to have sex with their females slaves… Continue reading

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To the staff ( mistake again)

We are sorry to inform you that your post “Prayer Request: No peace” has been rejected. Continue reading

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Bocked Website, How can one take Baya`?

I live in country where the website are block. so i cant read all of the materials details. 2nd no physical person to guide us here we cant sit regularly in dhikr…. Continue reading

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Where Can I find a Tawiz?

You advised me to wear taweez but I don’t know much about taweez. Can you please show me… Continue reading

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Is Working in a bank – Permissible or not?

I am a bit tense about my present job which is managed very politically so I applied elsewhere. I now have an interview with a bank… Continue reading

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Donation for Dalailul Khairat

You mentioned a donation for printing Dalailul Khairat. Is it possible to donate from other countries? If so, please could you give me the IBAN number and further information… Continue reading

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Mistake on

In response to this post the dua which was mentioned was of Hazrat Musa Alaye hi Salam.The Post on the afore mentioned link lacks of the word “shara’h li”… Continue reading

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ibn Arabi

What is wahdhthul wjood? Continue reading

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Just a comment

A while ago I began to question myself and doubt this way, then Sh. Gibril answered a question about intercession and it all makes sense again, thank you very much… Continue reading

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Problems Having a Child

I have some problem of wanting child,I had married for 18 years and no child coming yet.[fr]I have some problem of wanting child,I had married for 18 years and no child coming yet.[/fr] Continue reading

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