Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Follow up questions

I think after one asks a question and gets an answer, there should be a follow up option, such as “follow up with the scholar” or “comments” etc so that the reader or the person who asked the question can follow up. Continue reading

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Spots on face

There was a post titled “How to get rid of spots on face,” however it is no longer in the archives. Can you please re-post the this question and answer? Continue reading

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Can Jews / Christians who are good people go to heaven?

Supporting references from the Qu’ran required.


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Prayer Request: Child-birth

I am expecting child-birth very soon insha Allah. I had a caesarean for my first son, the 2nd came naturally alhamdulillah. I would like you to pray Allah swt facilitates this 3rd delivery and allows good health for new baby and our family. Could You please tell me if there would be special dua or dhikr I could do insha Allah ? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Black magic for death

Like many Muslims, I have black magic from multiple sources but also black magic for death. [fr]Like many Muslims, I have black magic from multiple sources but also black magic for death. [/fr] Continue reading

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evil magic

i am fatima ,iam the eldest daughter of my family .i have two brothers and a younger sister mashallah.
my mother is housewife
hazarat sahab,me and my family is going through a very tough time since 6 yrs now .my fathers family was into black magic and lot of shirk pratice which we were not aware.fortunately me and my one brother completed studies by which my family is running now.
my second brother mohammed mohinuddin mehfooz, he was a brillient student and had scored 80% in 3 yrs of his engineering but could not complete his final year because all of a sudden he suffered headache and backpain of such high intensity that he could not get up from bed.
since then his and my younger sister studies stopped.
hazarat saheb ,my whole family is suffering.
unfortunately ,my father is also into shirk practice. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Istikhara Prayer

I want to marry a girl. Could you please do Istikhara for me and let em know the result. please let me know whether this marriage will be good for both of us? Continue reading

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Controlling Thoughts

I was in a relationship for many years and it was understood that we would marry. He was a very good man but I ended the relationship. Confused, I asked MSN if I should marry him or another man, MSN chose the other man. Continue reading

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Missed Salah

I have an issue that im pondering on. Iv missed several prayers in my life astaghfirullah, and im wondering how to make them up. Also, iv read that there are some times in the day that it is Mukhru to do your prayers. Im an hanafi and i am just wondering when and how to make these prayers up, and if theyre valid or not.
JazakAllah Continue reading

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Test French Only 4/19/11

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Test French Only 4/19/11