Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Prayer Request: problems with Rizq

I am a highly qualified woman and I have always had a good well paying job. I also started a small training company and until 2005 alhamdolillah i was earning. For twenty years I looked after my old and sick parents. After they have both died I am finding it impossible to earn a living. Continue reading

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Spiritual Name

I would like to know my spiritual name. what are the benefits of the use of spiritual name ? where should one use it?
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taweez for protection

allah hafiz


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Advice on conceiving

My husband and I have been trying to conceive since last Ramadhaan. We are both in our mid-30’s and our highest dream is to have a big family together. I have one child from a previous marriage. We have tried most calculation methods, without result. I saw doctors twice about this and they told me nothing is wrong with me. Continue reading

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About Krishna

Krishna as Shiva and Vishnu could have been a Prophet of Islam? Continue reading

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Tabligh movement

Need advise about Tabligh movement.The movement encourage the followers to go out for fisabillah for 3 days in a month, 40 days in a year and 4 months in a life time. Should we encourage to join tabligh? Continue reading

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Covering aurat

Question: Islam rules women to cover their aurat,i know that but why my heart not wilingly ready to cover it? Answer: Please repost as a question. Thanks, Staff

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Prayer Request: Well-being

Salam. Everyone please make dua for my spiritual well-being. Continue reading

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Divine Name and Sura of Coran

With all the respect I have for you, Continue reading

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Spritual name

Salaam Ya Sayedi, could you tell me my spritual name plz? Continue reading

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