Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Spirituality in names

Assalamu Alaikum Ya Shaykh Nazim Shaykh Hisham and all staff of eshaykh..Sayyidi my question is how to know about spiritual names and someone knows his spiritual name then what to do with that… Continue reading

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Reciting Sura al-Fatiha while menstruating

Assalamu Alaikum. I’m a newly convert to Islam and wanted to find out more about the worshipping practises for women while having menstruation. Continue reading

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Dua of Hazat Dawood(A.S)

What is the importance of this hazrat dawood’s dua? For how many Thursdays do we fast? How many times do we recite it and for what time period? Continue reading

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Breast cancer treatment

My mother had breast operation by removing one malign tumor and one bening. They said its stage 3 metastatic perhaps in her bones. Continue reading

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My brothers mental problem

My brother has paranoa and he says harsh words to us. At times he makes funny faces and he says that he is sick and he is almost dying. Then his counciousnes comes back and acts normal but still he has this thing in mind that he is sick. He used to pray and go to mosque but he doesnt do that anymore abd he sa there is one God only. Continue reading

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Marriage without “attraction”

I have found someone to marry and he wants to marry me but I do not love him as he loves me. He is good in religion and in Sufism, maybe the best heart I have ever known for Allah swt. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Very Sad and Pressure in Job-Daily Crying

Alhamdhulillah-After waiting long time i got a job. But, daily i am crying. my company setup and atmosphere is not at all comfort for me. no Islam, the company is of christian, and workload also getting worse, full tension, i pray to Allah to a change, one day. Continue reading

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I want to get married to a certain girl and asked my parents to ask her parents and are not willing to. shes highly educated and I am not what do I do Continue reading

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Dua of Hazrat Dawood as

How many days and times do we have to recite verse 9:129 daily if you are doing the wazifa and do you have to recite the other with mentioning her name as we’ll on a daily basis Continue reading

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Are there many obligatory alms giving during a year?

I converted to islam recently, two years ago, and al hambduliLlah, i have being paying the zakat of id al Fitr.
I think it’s of on sa’ of dates or other… i’ve being paying about 8 or 9 $. Continue reading

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