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Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
To Recite Hasbun Allah wa Nimaal Waqeel
Once after fajr I felt “movement” inside my chest and I “spoke” to Allah if I can say this way. I asked Him “Ya Allah, show me Your House”. Then I saw Kabba. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
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Dream: Profit Muhammet (SAV),Canakkale Sehitligi
In my dream I feel like there’s going to be a war. Instead of my real name “Mehmet” in the dream my name is Ali. I’m walking with Prophet (saw) in Dardanelles Martyr’s cemetery (this is the cemetery in which all Shuhada of the great Canakkale War are buried). Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, Cennetli Makan, Istanbul, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, Prophet Muhammad (s), Shuhada, Sultan Mehmet Fatih, Turkce, Turkish
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Armageddon prosponed ?Armageddon repoussé
We don’t understand after reading the The Approach of Armageddon by Shaykh Hisham it was foretold that Egypt and basra a tremendous fighting will take place pg 282 before the coming of Imam Mehdi but since the fighting has stopped does that mean that the Armageddon has been reschedule. [fr]Apres la lecture du livre ” L’Approche d’Armageddon” de Shaykh Hisham, il y a plusieurs faits que je n’ai pas bien compris…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Hadith
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Armageddon repoussé
Dream: Gold Scroll
In my dream, someone came to me and gave me a gold scroll. That person told me that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim asked him to pass it to me. Continue reading
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Approach of armageddon an islamic perspective
Q: I previously asked you about ophiucus in response to which you asked me to refer Approach of armageddon or Sahih Muslim. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Hadith
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Dream: Race
There were lots of men on horses , i was at the back also on a horse (the only lady amongst the men ) , many people were watching either side of us , at the front was a man that i know , all of us on horses started racing , the man i know was ahead of all the others and his horse was going very fast , i started to speed up so that i could reach him( to be close to him not to overtake him), i was close to him i could see his white turban tail moving in the wind…
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Dream about Pigs
My cousin her younger sister ( refer to her as A*), & cousin sister in law ( refer to as B*), are just about to walk down this path and there’s big fields either side of the path & loads of pigs all over, there are literally millions of pigs, and they are big and fat! Continue reading
Although I showed non-judgemental acceptance, I was ostricised aggressively for failing to conform to their heretical version of Islam (Path no Law), just like the Wahabis -both groups being the 2 polarities of heresy. Continue reading
Bayat in dream
I recently had a dream, where me and my family were on a coach traveling somewhere, they were at the back and I was at the front alone. I was wearing white Islamic clothing and a white Imamah Shareef (I only have a green turban). Whilst I was sitting Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani came to me, smiling, I think I went to my knees when I saw them, they sat down with my hand in their hand. I cannot remember what they were reciting but I do remember them saying ALLAH HOO HAQQ three times. Whilst my hand was in theirs I felt an immense power through my body. I have not taken Bayat with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim yet, although I intend to INSHALLAH. Continue reading
Dream: Muhammad May ALLAH bless Him and grant Him peace Ameen
Aslamu alaykum
i was half in the grave i remember struggling to get out, I turned around and pulled my husband from the same grave we was looking around and there was the dead rising with not a clue what was going on around them I heard the name Muhammad pbuh ”He pbuh is at the top of the grave yard ”(someone shouted) we ran to him pbuh i remember looking at him pbuh He was tall about 1 and a half men in height with brown eyes that looked at me with a peaceful smile but he looked like he was made out of plastic i kissed his feet and my husband kissed his hand May ALLAH bless him and grant him peace. In the books He pbuh is described different i was wondering could it have been a jinn maybe or someone pretending to be him pbuh.
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Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Day of Resurrection, graves, intercession, Prophet Muhammad (s), salvation, shafa`ah
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