Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Respect of prophet Muhammad s.a.w
I want to know if any one Muslim or kafir insult our prophet s.a.w in front of me Continue reading
Are all religions true & valid paths to Allah?
Many people even Sufis claim that all religions teach the same message Continue reading
Wearing Ihram with trousers
I dreamt that I have worn ahraam with a plan to perform Hajj. Continue reading
Grandshaykh and Shaykh Hisham
Grandshaykh looking at my heart could feel something first it hurt Continue reading
Study Taṣawwuf
My question is how could I study or how do I study Taṣawwuf. Continue reading
repeated dream
I often see this dream that i am running from some natural calamities like thunder or storm, terrified i am hiding myself from these things. Continue reading
Touching Binary Star cluster dream
I travel through wormhole (of qalb), enter universe and soar past stars. Continue reading
Continuous worship? Why?
If a believing human is required to continually worship and remember Allah on this earth, why were the angels created Continue reading
Black magic
My brother is suffering from black magic. Continue reading