Dream Interpretation
Dream: Istikhara
Husband did istikhara if I am good for his future or not – if he should remain with me or not. He is with a girl face not shown – coming towards me with papers to divorce me. A man got stabbed nearby and he runs to catch the man who stabbed him. Continue reading
Dream: Green Doom of Prophet S
I got sleep in zuhar time and saw that I am in my old house building and checking old stuff in a place like a store in front my room. There I saw 4 or 5 different large image frames of the Green Doom of RasoolAllah SAS, and I was checking which one to pick to hang on my room wall… Continue reading
Dream: The Prophet Yusuf PBUH
I had a dream that I see the Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) On camel or horse riding along the Nile river… Continue reading
Dream: Making Istikhaarah, but still unclear about the answer
I made istikharah to determine whether I will pass that exam after rewriting the paper. I made istikhaarah multiple times, but every time I dream of myself being with my friends… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing same dream for last 6 months
I am not married but my younger sister is married and having baby girl. I saw in my dream that she is again getting married. I am telling her that you’re already married … Continue reading
Dream: Three Kittens
I dreamt that there were three kittens near me who were injured/scared/cold, something of that nature. I picked up one and cuddled it to my chest to soothe it, then picked up the second one… Continue reading
Dream: Marriage to ex-wife half-sister
I am based in [private]. 3 years ago, I did a civil marriage with a girl in [private]. We never did the religious marriage and the marriage was not consumed. We broke after her parents stole my money. I have since taken the matter to court but have lost the court cases for the last 2 years. I am not in good terms with them. Continue reading
Dream: Numbers
I had a dream in which people where whirling and doing hadrah around Maulana. He looked, mashallah, beautiful as ever in a green jubah and a white imamah which had the naylan paak at the front. As I’m doing hadrah, Maulana looked at me and asked me to come towards him which I did. They hugged me and as they did I started crying… Continue reading
Dream: Moon crashing into Sun then into Earth
I had a dream recently I was sick from a winter virus, in the dream I see myself as I am today gone back to my high school in the same physical appearance, soon in my dream I am sitting, I believe, in a vehicle and look at the moon and there is lightening coming from it. I alerted everyone in the vehicle to look at that, as soon as I did the moon went crashing in to the sun… Continue reading