Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: Given a book

I was given a book in a dream which was Dalail ul Khairaat. Continue reading

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Dream: seeing Rasulullah (s) at Syakh Nazim’s house.

I dream I was at Mawlana Syakh Nazim’s house, no other people were there. Continue reading

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Dream: Sword fighting

Last night in my dream I had been given a sword. Continue reading

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Dream: Standing in prayer with Shaykh Nazim

A friend of mine had a dream a few years ago wherein he was standing next to Shaykh Nazim in prayer. He is not a mureed. Continue reading

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Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim teaches me healing

I was in a class. Maulana mentions that the only leaf to directly clean the blood is the aloe leaf. Continue reading

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Dream: White Cat & Black Dog

I was in Lefke, on the way to the Dargeh for fajr prayer. I saw a white cat standing at attention as I walked. Continue reading

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Dream: Sayyidina Mahdi and Sayyidina Isa as

I saw in my dream that I was standing near a plane waiting to go and see Imam Mahdi a.s. Continue reading

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Dream: Meeting a saint

I had a dream that I was walking down a path which was made out of clay. All of a sudden, I see a saint who is from the Naqshbandi Mujaddadi Tariqa. Continue reading

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Dream: Met the Prophet (saw)

I had a very strange dream where I was in a room and a person was praying. Another person beside me tells me, “that’s the Prophet (saw)”. Continue reading

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Dream: Baya` with Sultan

I dreamed of sitting with Sultan in a mosque.. We were surrounded by ladies…. Continue reading

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