Dream Interpretation
Dream of Shaykh Nazim
In my dream I saw Shaykh Nazim, he smiled to me and said, I’ve given you the vehicle use it to come to me. Continue reading
Dream: Wet Roti
Ya Sayyidi, I am writing this question regarding a dream of my mother who is also a mureed of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim(q). She saw herself and my father and two maids in the house eating together on the table mat, and it starts to rain. Continue reading
Dream that’s never out of my Thoughts
Even Since I saw the Dream at the age of 10 ( now 25) This dream has always been in my consiousness all through. I saw myself roaming in the old Arabia with Mud walls, houses and deserts. .. Continue reading
Dream: Getting a letter from Sheikh Nazim
The Day I took Bayat with Maulana Shaikh Nazim through Internet , I saw a dream in which a male voice instructing me to read Quranic verses and my shahada finger moving on the verses… Continue reading
Dream: vision of rasulallah and awliya
I Was walking In To a gathering like I usually do but in this gathering was peculiar as soon as I walked in I heard tala’al badru alayna being recited and in the room all I could see is shuyukh awliya saliheen and pious people… Continue reading
Dream: Vision of Rasulallah
I was walking with the the Prophet Muhammad (s) peace be upon him after greeting them and i shyly held their hand and they smiled at me this made me happy we walked and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon gave him salam to Abu Bakr Siddiq Continue reading
Dream: Seeing animals during salat
Question: Salams to dear Shaykh, A couple of years ago before I took bay’at, I dreamt that I was doing Salat in an old hut with large carpets and I was facing an open window. I was performing either zuhur/Asr … Continue reading
Dream: roti and writing
My wife had a dream that people were making roti bread, the sky was grey, and in the sky she could see arabic writing it was in 2 seperate parts, all the people panicked for while and then calmed down:end of dream. she cant remember what the writing said, but did have ALLAH in the words. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Maulana Sheikh Nazim
Since becoming a mureed of Maulana in the Summer of 2010, and that after much hesitation and reluctance, I have seen him in my dreams several times, even though I will say that I am not a very good mureed as I find it quite a challenge to do all that a good mureed should do, however, I try to do what I feel is within my abilities. Continue reading