Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

a vision

It was a vision as though I was between awake and sleeping. I was whirling I wanted to put my arm in the whirling position but when I look down to see, my hands were already in the position. Continue reading

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Dream: Invitation to a Monestary

Dream: salam alaykom Yesterday i was crying in public and there was a nun who saw me. She approached me and asked me if I’m ok. I said yes thank you. And she said you are Muslim correct? I said … Continue reading

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Dream: Under Bridge

Dream: salaam dearest Mowlana Last night I had a dream were I was standing at the bottom of a bridge in some water were my feet was soaking . I was standing there looking in to the sky deeply. all … Continue reading

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Dream: broken glass and blood

Dream: Asalam-u-Alaikum I seen a dream which involved my husband, trying to cause harm to me and members of my family – we are in separation – I was trying to get away from him and suddenly I seen broken … Continue reading

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Dream: about jihad

I had a dream once, I was on dessert, getting ready to go jihaad, in dream i was the servant of Bibi Khadeeja ra the wife of Prophet pbuh, I was helping her to get dress, and all were there the four caliph… all were on horses going for jihad… Continue reading

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Dream: husband in fire

We were in our new house and my husband up stairs I was talking about jin to my kids then hot rain drops came falling into our house I saw my husbands friend Izmil coming down the stairs leaving our house I saw the roof on fire and my husband was in it … Continue reading

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Dream: Kings funeral

I dreamt a while ago, that I was at a kings funeral with other people, Maulana Sheikh Nazim(Allah bless him) was there, my father a sister also, my father was explaining to me the reason why the king passed away because he had no one to protect him like in the way my sister was protecting me… Continue reading

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Dream: Dua from Shaykh Nazim

It’s always my dream to see Shaykh Nazim(Q) in real. And when I was sleeping I dreamt about him, I don’t know where I was. But when I saw him, I was in the state of happines. And my father was there too… Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet Musa a.s

Some weeks ago. I was in a room with a semicircle of others. I was only aware that my Beloved husband was standing at other end more than surprised I was just glad he too was there. at other end was a man scholarly like figure who I’m sure represented Sheik Hisham. I was near to him also. But was was happening was that we had placed under our hands the coffin our Prophet Musa a.s I somehow understood this without guessing… Continue reading

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Dream: Sheikh Nazim and my dua

Dream: I always prayed to Allah sincerely from the bottom of my heart to accept my prayer, and one night I had a dream about my dua and Sheikh Nazim Saib came to my house and I greeted him by … Continue reading

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