Hadith Authenticity
What is the authenticity of this hadith…If you learn one verse from The Book of Allah, it is better for you than to voluntarily… Continue reading
Ahadith on Surah Ikhlas
What is the authenticity of these hadith:
Hazrat Anas(R) has said that Rasualllah(S) has said, “if anyone recites 200 times everyday Surah Ikhlas 200 of his (minor) sins committed over 50 years will be blotted out of his record; but, if he has to pay loan to anyone,that will not be forgiven.” (At-Tirmidhi and Darami) Continue reading
Dear eshayke.com, could you tell of any hadith about distance doing jamak – qasar prayers (is there a distence 3 batu -3.6k 3600- meter or distance 1 batu -1.2k 1200- meter – jamak qasar) in any hadiths in qauli .firli or taqrir and what is the status of that hadiths. Continue reading
Hadith authenticity
Yesterday a christian missionary gave me a brochure in which Islam is supposed to be refuted. Therein he quotes… Continue reading
Imam Mahdi (ra) in Ajam (India)
Are these ahadith authentic, as a Sect of India claims their leader to be the Promised Mahdi… Continue reading
Hadith about Imam Malik (r)
What is the text and authenticity of the hadith about Imam Malik? Continue reading
Source of Hadith
Do we know the source of this Hadith mentioned by Mufti Taqi Usmani: It is narrated by Sayyidn’a Abdullah bin Umar that the Holy Propeht (s.a.w.) said… Continue reading
Satan in the Grave
I was recently asked a question regarding the occurrence of the devilish whispers in the grave…. Continue reading
Wudu’ and ibn `Abbas
I was at my local masjid and heard a discussion between two brothers regarding the ruling of touching the Qur’an without wudu’. One of them said that the famous hadith stating that no one should touch the Qur’an except the purified is weak… Continue reading