Tag Archives: intention

Forget to make intention for fasting?

What do you do if you forget to make niyyah for fasting before  Fajr and don’t wake for suhur? Continue reading

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Taking Ihram after Meeqat

Is it ok to take ihram in hotel in Makkah, them go to meeqat to make 2 rakats and niyyah for umrah? Continue reading

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Folding sides of prayer mat

In Pakistani and Indian culture some people after they’re done praying or leave for a while between prayer, they fold a corner of a prayer carpet. They claim if they don’t shaytan will pray on it. Can shaytan pray? Is there any evidence of this theory? Continue reading

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Will God conceal sins?

I am worried Allah will reveal my sins, if I continue to try to purify myself and to become a Wali Continue reading

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What does ihram for hajj ifrad, qiran, and tamattu` mean?

What does ihram for hajj ifrad, qiran, and tamattu’ mean?
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I need help

Asalamulaikum to all at sufilive and Eshaykh.com and all the beloved shaykhs. Today I write you all because I have made a big mistake. I called an online istakhara on TV. I asked about me and my husband. Continue reading

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Breathing and meditating on the sensations within, doing dhikr with breath and the feelings within.

Whenever I breathe I can change the intention behind it to make it for Allah’s sake, and I can make it have meaning, the actual feeling of my center area changes and I can feel it flowing through my body. Continue reading

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We as the new generation write the salawat after prophet alaihi salam’s name as “(s)” and “saw” and “saaw” or “pbuh”. In Arabic we write just the “saad”. I’ve came across some references that says it’s kufr to write it like that and the person is kafir. Continue reading

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Islamic calligraphy

May I know what are the blessings for one who does islamic calligraphy and what i should do with Abu Darda’s saying. Continue reading

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Better Time Management

I wanted to ask how to allot time better. I study Arabic in Damascus. I am working and I am doing sports… Continue reading

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