Salamu alaykoum, I would like to know if this hadith is reliable or not..
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A Conversation Regarding Tombs and Grave Markers
Questioner: Salamalaykum sir, I have a question. I have been reading Nur ul Idah lately to learn basic Hanafi fiqh. The problem is that in one section about graves, the book says that tombs should not be made and the … Continue reading
Narration about prohibition of Quranic Amulets
Narration about prohibition of Quranic Amulets. Continue reading
Hadith Classification
Abu Bakr Ibn Abu Dunya wrote in the book Ahkam al-Qubur (The Rules of Graves), based on a long chain of citation, that the Prophet said: “Daniel prayed to his Lord, Great and Majestic for the nation of Muhammad to bury him.” Continue reading
Hadith in Muslim
In Sahih Muslim there is a hadith about the sins of Muslims being given to the يهود و نصارى. A scholar said that the hadith is rejected and weak because it contradicts the Quranic verse on soul bearing the burdens of another. Continue reading
Fasting on the Day of Ashura, is it based on authentic?
Hope you are doing fine. Below is a message I got which I would appreciate if you could kindly enlighten us on the issue. Jazakumullah. Continue reading
Hadiths about reward of 50,000 prayers in the Prophet’s mosque
Are there any sound hadiths that can be relied upon for the reward of 50,000 prayers in the Prophet’s Mosque? For example, what do the scholars say about Anas ibn Malik’s narration in Ibn Maja’s Sunan? Continue reading
Hadith on Rewards Being Carried on Plates of Light
Do you know the source of the following narration and its grading please:
“It is related that the gifts of alms, prayers, and Qur’anic recitation sent by the living to the dead reach them carried by the angels on plates of light, and adorned with silk… Continue reading
Hadith on Prophetic Succession
Inshallah everything is well. Had the honor of taking a class with you online through Seekers Guidance on Ibn Hajar’s Nukhbat al-Fikr a while back. Just have one question in regard to a Hadith and would be delighted to have it clarified. Continue reading