Why is there a difference of opinion regarding tampons?
Is it wrong for me to use tampons if I follow the Hanafi madhab? Continue reading
Presence of husband during childbirth
My husband says Sheikh Nazim recommends against a husband’s presence in the delivery room; is this true in all circumstances? Continue reading
private invites by teacher
My teacher invites Like a older brother. And that’s the point , sometime he treats me like a friend / brother so he see his acts and wants to act like a teacher to me , with authority Continue reading
My son’s leg seems like he has polio
All these years I been treating a leg that seemed fat…I fear he has contracted polio Continue reading
Bad occurrences while observing salat
I started reading salat and my son face was burnt with hot water. Continue reading
Ramadan and Bipolar
My Doctor has told me I should not fast as it induces manic states, I feel terrible not fasting. Should I not fast? Continue reading
Smoking is haram
Smoking is haram or not some telling it makrooh what is right opinion? Continue reading
Evil Jinn army attacking
I saw in a dream that billions of evil jinns had emerged from dark forests and arrived to the perimeter of what looked like Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s farm in Fenton. Continue reading
Pandemic adhan
In Pakistan they are calling out Adhans at night in this time of difficulties Continue reading