`Ibadat – Worship
Feeding Guest who are not fasting during Ramadan
I would like to know if my fasting is invalid if I have fed my Muslim not fasting… Continue reading
Fidya amount in US dollars
Can you please tell us your recommended daily amount to pay in US dollars as fidya… Continue reading
Urgent: Sad fasting and Eid
I woke up thinking it was the second ‘Eid and drank juice from nothing but then I… Continue reading
Permission to read Wazifa of Dawood a.s
Sir, I like someone and wish to marry him.. That boy also likes me but due to his… Continue reading
Dua e Manzil
I have recently started reciting dua e manzil and blowing on myself and on my… Continue reading
Request for hazrat dawood dua
The man I was engaged to won’t speak to me now. I love him. Please allow me to… Continue reading
Etiquette for Sufilive broadcasts?
Are there points of etiquette which we should take care to keep when watching the… Continue reading
Hunting in Ramadhan?
Is it permissible to hunt animals during Ramadhan?… Continue reading
Darood Ghaus
I have great love for Ghaus of Baghdad shreef and now reading about sheikh Nazim that he is the great great great grandchild I feel attraction for him too, can u put my question to him pls… Continue reading
Intentional break of the fast
I am a brother who broke my fast intentionally many times in the past Continue reading