Prayer Request
Request the procedure for love dua
I want to ask that I read on your website to read dua Daud a.s. Continue reading
Dua for repair of relationship
I am requesting some guidance as I was preparing to marry someone and we had told our families. However, overnight suddenly he decided to stop talking and distance himself. Continue reading
Prayer request: we are trying to conceive since 8 years..
We have been married 8 years since we are trying to conceive but we are very disappointed. Continue reading
exam dua
I am facing psychology exams soon. Please pray that I make the best grades so that I can make my parents happy, Continue reading
Prayer Request: Dua request for child
My sister is married since 2004 but she does not have any child. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Poor Eyesight
I have extremely poor eye sight and i have a condition which is why I cannot be given spectacles. The only thing I can b given r contact lens but I can’t wear them as my eyes start itching n swell up. The other thing is i have a squint, is there anything that can be done to cure my eyes of both these problems? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Court Case
I have a court case on Monday as I will know on that day what sentence I will get please could you pray for me also is there any zikr that I can do. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Perfect Shaykh
Prayer Request: Hand in Marriage
im going through hard time i was proposed to by someone called [private]. We both want to marry each other for six years i been waiting for him to ask me to marry him but now his family are not agreeing to it because of the caste… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Better Eyesight
I first started wearing spectacales about 3 years ago. lately i have noticed that my eyesight is dwindling. Please pray for it to become completely normal. Continue reading