Sufism (Tasawwuf)
what are rabita and suhba?
What are rabita and suhba? How do I perform them? I also read that Shaykh Hisham prays for his murids, does that mean he also prays for his talibs or talibeens? Continue reading
Dua to see a saint in dream
Is there a dua for me to do to see saints in dream such as Sayiddina Jalalladun Rumi and Sayida Rabia in dream? Continue reading
How to get help of gous e azam?
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Hair of Prophet (Sal Allahu Alaihi Wasalam)
Respected Shaykh, i want to ask a very important question. I have been gifted a Holy Hair of Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihi Wasalam, fixed in a box from a holy relics trust. Can you tell me anything to authenticate if its genuine or not, and the most important thing how should i keep it in my house, to pay full respect/adab and get its full blessings? Continue reading
Differences in wazifas
I just wanted to ask why are there differences in the daily awrad for the Initiate on the naqshbandi website Continue reading
Is it true that Shaykh Nazim isn’t accountable to Allah anymore?
Asalam, is it true that shaykh nazim isn’t accountable to Allah anymore and how would he know if he isn’t accountable? and is this video authentic? I don’t think it is because the prophet pbuh used to repent like 100 times a day even though he pbuh never commited a sin and would have never done so in the future. no disrespect intended. Continue reading