Permission for aspects of `ibadah (worship), travel and major life changes.
Prayer Request: Istikhara for Wedding!
Can you please perform an istikarah to see whether i can go ahead with this proposal. If the istikarah is positive, i will also seek your permission… Continue reading →
Permission to go for Hajj
I made the intention to go to Hajj this year… Continue reading →
Want your Advise
My name is [private] from Pakistan. I was trying to get employed in UAE. I got the job offer now… Continue reading →
Ayat ash-Shifa, Permission
Would I always need permission to recite this if someone is unwell? Continue reading →
Bayah to Molana Shayakh Nazim
Can i get the bayah and tawajah of Mulana Shayakh Nazim as i am already bayat on the hands of a naqshbandi mujadadi shayakh in Pakistan. Continue reading →
Permission for Travel to Bangladesh
My family members are thinking of traveling to Bangladesh, but are in a dilemma as to whether they should or not… Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Ijaza (permission)
I already had doing take online bayyat from internet, but could you give me Ijaza (permission) to me to do dhikr… Continue reading →
Permission for Study Day and Meditation
I have been trying to unify my (weak) beliefs in Islam and teachings of Tariqa with knowledge from Tao, Zen and especially Nisargadatta’s powerful ‘non-duality’ wisdom. Continue reading →
Permission to visit Mawlana in Lefke
I would like to visit mawlana at their home from the 1st april onwards. Continue reading →
Hizb al-Bahr
Please allow me the reading of Hizbul Bahr along with the method as well ,complete… Continue reading →