Jumah Rakat for Shafai, Hanbali and Maliki madhab
How many Sunnat and Nafl rakat are there in Shafii, Hanbali and Maliki Madhhab? Continue reading
Taziah (condolences) for non-Muslims
is it allowed for us to say to the family members [of deceased non-Muslim] as a form of taziah condolences…? Continue reading
Nose piercing
my mother told me that [nose-piercing] is compulsory for nikah Continue reading
Calculating Nisab: gold or silver
When calculating today’s nisab value, is the price of gold used or the price of silver or the higher of the two? Continue reading
Negative and positive vibrations on body
Whenever I sit with people.the negative vibration of those people catch me Continue reading
Touching private parts and wudhu
Does touching private parts during ghusl breaks wudhu? Continue reading
Women’s chronic discharge & wudu
I redo my wudu for every salaah because of daily discharge … Is it okay if I do wudu for each salaah before start time? Continue reading
Hijab and durood
Do you have to wear hijab and do full parda when reading durood? Continue reading
“lots of salawat”
what is considered “a lot” [of salawat] such that a Wali would do? Continue reading
Ramadan witr in congregation
In Shafii School is it better during Ramadan to pray witr in congregation…? Continue reading