Seeing Shaykh Nazim
Before I met Shaykh Hisham Kabbani during his visit in my country, I saw a man with a turban and smiled at me in my house. I saw him for several times especially after prayer. I knew the man was not real. Continue reading
Prohibited relationships
I dated a guy for 2 years. But for the last 6 months I had this feeling of guilt that it is ‘Haraam’ and that I should end it. I was dying of this guilt. Though I was in love and we both intended to marry but I left him to find peace with Allah. Continue reading
Revert to Islam
Asalaamu Alaykum.. Ya shaykh im unsure of what direction to move… A relative requested me to revert(read shahadah) to his girlfriend as she wants to revert to Islam. Her family are very strict
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Can a 7th Century Man be a Role Model in the 21st Century?
I did not find any other communications to send the below video to you. I hope this is okay with you, inshallah! I thought I send it to you, which will be an interest to you. Maybe you can put a link in your website for this video? Continue reading
To get a good halal job
I wanted to take baya, please let me know how I can take online, also I am reading Salawat of Tremendous Blessings and Dalial Khairat daily. My question is I am requesting for dua to get good halal job and to support my son and my self. Continue reading
Why Is Life So Hard?
I’m 17 years old and I am sick of life.
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Renting house from Private Landlord & he wants to sell the 3 bedroom house in New year & has asked us to find somewhere else. I cannot afford £1500 a month rent for a new 3 bedroom although I get some help from council.
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Can we read Hizbul Bahar in periods?
Can we read Hizbul Bahar in mensturation.
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I want a permanent job
Dear mashayekh, it is my humble request to Shaykh Hisham Kabbani rahma that I am facing so much financial issues. Continue reading
How to Contact One of Your Shaykh?
asalam, I would truly appreciate if there is a way to contact the office of one of the grand shaykhs. I have a really important personal matter, which I would like to discuss in person.
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