As salam aleykum warahmatula wa barakathu,
dear Maulana Sheikh Hisham arRabbanih.
May Allah grants you High Ranks in His Divinily Presence and to be near to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and to Sultan Awliya, Maulana Sheikh Nazim Here and Here After…First of all, sorry for my english…it’s very poor , but Inshallah you may read my heart to understand my question. The point is that i have been blessed with a pretty and wonderfull wife and 2 beautifull children , Sara and Gabriel. The point is that anytime the question of Armageddon, or Mahdi (a.s.) or the Judgement Day comes to a conversation, my wife, Habiba, suffer a great anguish and she start to say that why I beleive in this things (about the end of the world) and I started a family and bring children to suffer, or denying that this Huge events will happen in our times. She’s so sensitive, as a good mother and wife, about what can happened to her children and to me also. She’s not Naqshbandhi or Muslim, but belive in Maulana Sheikh Nazim. What can I do , or she can do, to take away her suffer or to get it less.
May Allah bless you
wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh
If she is not Muslim and you are trying to slowly bring her towards the love of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (s) , you need to show the beauty of Islam first and then slowly insha-Allah, one day she’ll understand the more difficult and non-essential issues of belief. The main point of talking about Armageddon is to remind us of the proximity of death, the afterlife and the Final Hour. In fact the tradition of an Armageddon exists in all three monotheistic faiths, so it is not new to Islam. Be gentle with her and give her time to adapt to Mawlana and tariqah first.
Dr. Hedieh Mirahmadi
reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani