Hajj Al-Akbar in 2012?


Asalam Alaikum,

Hajj this year seems to be falling on November 7th according to the calendar published by ISNA http://moonsighting.com/fcna-calendar.html.
ISNA uses astronomical calculations to determine the birth of the new moon,

However, next year in 2012 10 Zul Hajj is falling on October 26th which is a Friday! Could it be that Imam Mahdi (AS) would be appearing next year instead of this one since Hajj Al Akbar may possibly be next year?

I apologize for my arrogance and bad manners.

Jazak Allah Khairun


Wa `alaykum salam,

Please see this post. You may want to listen to all the suhbats on the Mahdi Station (as) at SufiLive.com.


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