Dream: 3 dreams about a girl



I had 3 dreams about a girl I know. she is a friend of my sister.

1) I was going to the father of this girl, with the intention to ask permission to mary his daughter.
2) the girl was in my home and I was putting my hand on her head and I was making dua. Than she dissapeared and I was seeing my little cousin and I was making dua for him also. Than I was looking for the girl because I wanted to tell her she must do some kind of awrad.
3) I was sitting at a table with my family and the girl was also with us. I had some oranges ready to eat and than the girl asked me if she could eat the oranges. I agreed, and I gave all the oranges to her to eat it.



wa `alaykum salam,

The dreams are clear, she will be good for you and you will have a happy life together, insha-Allah – go and propose.

w ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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