Salam Alaikum. Interested to know the meaning of this dream. Some weeks ago. I was in a room with a semicircle of others. I was only aware that my Beloved husband was standing at other end more than surprised I was just glad he too was there. at other end was a man scholarly like figure who I’m sure represented Sheik Hisham. I was near to him also. But was was happening was that we had placed under our hands the coffin our Prophet Musa a.s I somehow understood this without guessing. A medium figure white creamy skin longish white Beard.As the wooden box/Coffin was open without a lid. We were passing this coffin along the line carefully & I was trying carefully without too much wobbling. As i was looking becos i was mesmerized. I noticed Prophet Musa’s right hand was moving as if doing Zikr. After realizing this He Sat up to bend forward as if to make Sajdah. After this point I woke up. Feeling Ma’shallah it made sense he was still to this day Praising his Lord. A very nice dream not sure what its meaning is 2 me.
wa `alaykum salam,
Seeing Shaykh Hisham in a dream is indication of your acceptance by his master Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and that you are receiving spiritual support from Mawlana Shaykh through Shaykh Hisham. Seeing your husband there too, means he too is accepted in that circle, which was half complete. This is a sign to you that as the Prophet (s) said, “marriage is half of faith”, that since you have completed that half, you must perfect the other half by increasing your connection to the Shaykh and intensifying your spiritual “work”.
Seeing Sayyidina Musa (as) in the coffin is indication of a relationship to Bani Israel and seeing him making dhikr and praying is confirmation that prophets and saints are alive in their grave, praying, worshipping and that doesn’t stop with their passing from this life. As mentioned in hadith, during the Night Journey, the Prophet (s) passed by Musa (as) as he was at praying in his grave at a place of red sandhills. He was tall, with long hair and brown complexion. You saw him fair-skinned, meaning his being in an illuminated, heavenly state since passing this life. And that is a sign to you that you may achieve the station of “die before you die” in this life before the next.
w ‘Allahu `alam
Taher Siddiqui
reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani