Islamic Medicine


Auzobillahi Minushaytanir Rajeem… Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem.

Assalam o Alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu Ya Hajjah,

Early Muslims had knowledges of human body mechanism when there was no sign of MRIs and Cat-Scans. and they were curing several people alhumdulillah. History records the development in the subject of medicine by these scholars. So many years later, we are now more than ever dependent upon drugs and countless health problems have spread among us. I want to ask, where can we learn the methods and wisdoms by which those early Muslims acquired knowledge of our human body and outshined the people of jahiliya?
Are there any schools or madrassas still teaching that? Or is it that such kind of knowledge is not possible to acquire in these times?


See the book at-Tibb an-Nabawiyya especially. That was written by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah which contained nearly all the hadith on that kind of knowledge. Read it and study it well and you can treat patients with what it mentions. There is an English version translated by Shaykh Muhammad Akili.

The Prophet (s) said in his hadith داوا مرضاكم بالصدقة da’oo amradakum bi’s-sadaqa – “cure your ill ones with charity,” and Prophet (s) said, as-sadaqa tarud al-bala wa tazeed al-`umr – “charity keeps off problems and lengthens lifespan” . Be careful with your sadaqa and give as much as you can especially on behalf of sick people and they will be cured.

If you have an ongoing illness be sure to consult your personal physician and follow his treatment.

Hajjah Naziha Adil

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Information on this site is NOT intended or implied to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Those should only be sought from your physician or appropriate health care provider. This information is only provided as an information resource and is NOT to be relied on for diagnostic and treatment purposes. It is NOT intended as patient education, and NOT a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment and does NOT establish a patient physician relationship.

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