Working for a bank

I am a software programmer working for a company whose client is a bank. Recently i was told that working for bank is haram. Could you please check with Moulana and let me know if this job is haram, even though i do not deal with riba. Do i need to look for a new job?
Please make dua for us.
Waiting for your reply.
Jazakallah khairun 


Wa alaykum salam Ramadan Mubarak
What you describe of your case indicates that your employment there is not haram but makruh. It is identical to working in a restaurant that serves alcohol without handling the latter directly. Therefore it is not a dire necessity for you to look for another job but it might be advisable to do so for your peace of mind. May Allah grant you that and more of His bounty in dunya and akhira.
Shaykh Gibril F Haddad

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