As far as I know the Mawlid al Nabi (salah Allah aleyhi wa salam), as we recognize today, was introduced by Emir Nur al Din al Zengi in the late 12th century, or by Muzzaffar of Irbil in early 13th century AD. I do not know anything though about what was done on 12th Rabi-al-Awwal before this period. Could you please give me some information about what Muslims in the 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th centuries? I ask this specifically because there seems to be a gap in information about the period between the end of the Salaf and the time of Zengi and Muzaffar. Thank you very much for answering my question.
Wa `alaykum as-Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
It is important to recall that the historical period to which you refer – that of the great Amir Nuruddin Zangi – was marked by systemization or methodization, which is not to be confused with innovation. For example, chivalry had long been practiced, but during this period the methods of futuwwah became clearly established, with chivalric flowerings springing up in East and West, and among the highest and lowest ranks in society. This development – literally an “unfolding” of possibilities belonging to Islam – may be compared to the development of the Mawlid festival.
Given that the specialness of the 12th of Rabi`al-awwal was spiritually recognized in Islam from the beginning, it seems that before the methodization of the festival, this anniversary was marked by gatherings at the house where the Holy Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – was born. Of course, such a visitation was only possible for a pious few, so that the establishment of the festival’s observance in locations other than Mecca served to extend blessings to many more lovers of the Beloved. Only the spiritually stingy would deny the wisdoms in this development, or fail to be refreshed by the beautiful flowerings of love belonging to this festival. Of course, while evil-doers might obscure or even destroy certain historical traces of the Beloved of Allah – may peace and blessings be upon him – the beauty that has its source in him is never-ending. Our duty is to cultivate it wherever it is found.