Missing Zikr and Prayer



I was given a small zikr of Hasbunallah Rabunallah 100 times daily and it’s been awhile now I have abandoned it. I really want to become closer to Islam in these days but I find myself diverting away from simple obligations. I don’t pray or neither do I do any zikr. I have personally realised that now I don’t feel fresh likewise when I used to do zikr I did. Please guide me and pray for me. What should I do??!! Jazakallah Khair.


wa `alaykum salam,

Allah is all-Merciful all-Forgiving. If a person is sincerly seeking His forgiveness, He will surely forgive. This is what you need to do to defend yourself against Shaytan and his followers in this time:

1- Make ablution, pray two raka`ats, make 100 Istighfar and intend that from now on you will try obey Allah’s command (doing all your prayers and obligations).

2- To Keep Shaytan away from you, say everyday 100 times “audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem, Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem“. It will keep him away from you for that day.

3- Keep the company of good pious people and stay away from bad and corrupt people. Prophet (s) said: “tell me who you keep company with, and I tell you who you are”. Run away from evil and dirty people like you would run away from a pack of wolves trying to hunt you.

Success is from Allah.

Ali Elsayed

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