Prayer Request: Need your help


assalamu alaykum ya mawlana
may Allah give health and long life for you and my beloved Sulthonul awliya Mawlana syaikh Nazim Al haqqani q.s

May i get Zikr is there specifically to pay off debt quickly and get a better job and enchance spiritual abilities for me, why everytime i said and i thinking of mawlana syaikh nazim my heart always shimmy and make me want to see him and hold him and kiss he’s holy hands

Please pray for to pay off my debt quickly and get a job with a big income to meet family needs and can meet my beloved sulthonul awliya mawlana syaikh nazim q.s in this life

Mawlana you really know the best for me, please help me get out of my trouble with Baraka of sulthonul awliya mawlana syaikh nazim q.s and Rasulullah saw

wasalamu alaykum wr’wb


wa `alaykum salam,

Recite Ya Ghani 100 times daily.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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