Experience in Murakaba


Assalamu Aleikum,

Last three days I have been experiencing in muraqaba something different, while sitting in Zikr, (in Murakaba) after some moment, my breath become fast and word “Allah” mixed with breath and body starts to shake, when zikr becoming fast, my breath also becomes fast as well body, along with the word Allah. In that state I cannot pronounce clearly but ony breath says so. Since I am a beginner I cannot understand this is correct or not. Can you put some light on this. If you can elaborate more in murakab what is happening/experiencing in that state. So we can understand.
thank you, and jazakallah khair

audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
wa `alaykum salam
Many experiences may come as result of Meditation. What you described sounds like Tayy al-Lisan (Scrolling of the Tongue) where the Light of dhikrullah is transmitted quickly through the heart and through the entire system of your body. The main issue is continuing the spiritual journey and eliminating bad characteristics (akhlaq dhammimah) for good qualities through Love of Allah, Prophet (s) and Awliya.

wAllahu a`lam.

Kamau Ayyubi

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