Fatiha after Zikr


Asalamu’aliekum warahamatulahi wabarakatuh
In our zikr group once the zikr is over and Fatiha has been said in a standing circle by the zikr leader, we ask for personal Fatihas, such as if someone is traveling or is sick we ask a collective Fatiha of all attenders (not anyone in specific), so we benefit from the blessings present there of angels, our Shayukhs, saints and Prophet saws. As Mawlana said, when salawats are recited Prophet answers. Many believe that prayers ARE answered in such a gathering after zikr.
Is this practice/tradition that has by itself evolved in our group crossing our limits and shall we stop doing it? We would like to do what pleases Mawlana Shaykh Hisham inshaAllah khair and get his holy advice? May Allah forgive our mistake ameen.


wa `alaykum salam,

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham says to continue making this du`a.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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