Help in Malaysia


May Allah increase the maqams of Syaikh Nazim Al-Qubrusi&Syaikh Hisham Kabbani,always.Amin

I am a student of Syk.Nazim,living in Malaysia.As far as I’m concerned that there is no class for us here, the students in Kuala Lumpur,to study Tasawwuf,and any other kitabs.We only have dhikr gatherings and hadrah every week.Yes, I know that Naqshbandis are revealing many secrets and unexplainable things publicly on the net. Myself personally(only in Allah’s will),want to learn more. I want to know more, please sayyidi I want ilm (knowledge). In thirst of ilm. Wehdat al-wujud concepts and all. We need to learn all of that,ya sayyidi.We need a Syaykh that can bring and teach all of the knowldege and ilm and the kitabs and the doctrine and all. Not only through the net or books. Please Sayyidi.We need a talaqqi (face-to-face)murshid. Send my regards to Syaikh Nazim and please tell him about this,please Syaikh Hisham.So that he can decide a murshid for us here in Malaysia.


Alaykum Salam,
. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham said that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah bless his secret) said that when the time comes, Allah Most High will send someone right. InshaAllah you will get ma`rifa about what you’re asking in vision and dreams.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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